Little girl's amazing response to boy calling her ugly | 4-Year-Old Has The Perfect Response To A Boy In Her Class Who Called Her 'Ugly'
Sparkstar Siahj Chase gave that little boy a piece of her beautiful mind.
'I came here to learn not look pretty', she told him after he said he thought she was ugly.
The lesson of her statements are valuable and wise beyond her 4 planetary years. This Sparkstar is definitely in the league of the light, with her sharp wit, and ability to smile even when someone was trying to put her down.
You can see in the video, for just a moment the sentiment of how she felt when the boy called her UGLY. She dropped her head and voice a little.
But the little girl's spark immediately returns when she tells us her confident comeback.
'I said "I didn't came here to make a fashion statement"', she says beaming brightly, as she says, 'I came here to learn, not look pretty.'
Cici then playfully frowns again when she says the boy responded that she looked 'bad', only to put her face right up to the camera so we can see just how she showed that boy who's boss.
'And then I said "Did you look in the mirror lately?"
'Bye bye, see you later, you're making me mad!'
Siahj 'Cici' Chase said she didn't go to school to make 'a fashion statement'… she said she went to learn!
Many of us would not have dealt with this "attack" on our esteem as well as Sparkstar Cici did. I know that I often times deal with deep rooted issues that "4 year old Jazz" took on, and was not able to shake so easily. Do you have a '4 year old' version of you that needs support?
A book that helped me was Brene Brown's The GIFT OF IMPERFECTION. In it she helps us to discover how to accept our seeming imperfections and use them to express our greatest gift… INDIVIDUALITY.
In the comments below, share a brief instance when you had to stand up for yourself.
Hearts & Sparks,
Tune in LIVE Each Saturday 7PM EST on YOUR 15 MINUTES Radio NETWORK for The Spark Spot…Internet Talk Radio.
Cici lives in Nassau, Bahamas with her mother, who says her daughter has always been 'sharp' and 'quick on her feet'
Tune in for The Spark Spot Every Saturday at 7pm EST
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I love this because…